Saturday, October 16, 2010

Students’ criminal records can be troublesome (Nebraska News)

Larry Routh, director of UNL's Career Services, said the seriousness of a mark on an applicant's criminal history is dependent on both the nature of the job and the nature of the offense. "It really is highly individualized," he said.

For example, procuring alcohol for a minor is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor (the most serious and carries the harshest penalties among misdemeanors). And that is not something you want to carry with you, said Shelley Stall, director of Student Legal Services at UNL.

"It looks really bad on your record, particularly if you're in Teacher's College or you're interested in coaching, working with kids on any level," she said. "Graduate school programs really don't want to see that on your record and neither do employers. So it's a thing to avoid." And being in the Teacher's College himself, Gambrel recognizes the challenges he may face as he begins applying for student teaching positions.


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